Accessing Documentation, Release Notes, Articles, and Downloads
The following sections detail how to access specific NuPoint UM documents from Mitel Online.
Documents and Help Files
- Log in to Mitel OnLine.
- Point to Support and then click Product Documentation .
- Click the Product Documentatio n link.
- Point to Messaging and click NuPoint Unified Messaging .
- A list of documents intended for System Administrators is displayed. Select a document from the list or select Show End User Documents or Show Archived Documents to access end user or archived documents.
The Qualified Hardware List
- Log in to Mitel OnLine.
- Point to Support and then click Product Documentation .
- Click the Product Documentatio n link.
- To search for a document, press CTL + F .
- To access the Mitel Standard Linux Qualified Hardware list, type MSL in the CTL + F search box.
Product Release Notes
- Log in to Mitel OnLine.
- Point to Support and then click Mitel Knowledge Base .
- Click Mitel Knowledge Base .
- In the Product list, select Mitel NuPoint UM IP (Standard Edition).
- Under Article Type , select Release Notes and click Search .
Knowledge Base Articles
- Log in to Mitel OnLine.
- Point to Support and then click Mitel Knowledge Base .
- Click Mitel Knowledge Base .
- In the Product list, select Mitel NuPoint UM IP (Standard Edition).
- Under Article Type , select the type of article to be viewed.
- Specify other search parameters to narrow your search and click Search .
Software Downloads
- Log in to Mitel OnLine.
- Point to Support and then click Software Downloads .
- Select the appropriate Mitel NuPoint UM link.
- Click the download link for your selected release and follow the instructions on the software download page.