AKAI MPC Live II manual

View the manual for the AKAI MPC Live II here, for free. This manual comes under the category DJ gear and has been rated by 6 people with an average of a 9.3. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the AKAI MPC Live II or do you need help? Ask your question here
- System Requirements & Product Support
- About This User Guide
- Important Notes
- Navigation & Data Entry Controls
- Pad & Q-Link Controls
- Mode & View Controls
- Transport & Recording Controls
- I/O & Level Controls
- Navigation & Data Entry Controls
- Pad & Q-Link Controls
- Mode & View Controls
- Transport & Recording Controls
- Navigation & Data Entry Controls
- Pad & Touch Strip Controls
- Mode & View Controls
- Transport & Recording Controls
- Starting Up
- Creating a Drum Kit
- Creating a Drum Sequence
- Saving & Renaming
- Editing Note Events
- Making Basic Sound Edits
- Creating a Bass Track
- Recording an Audio Track
- Creating a Song
- Exporting the Song
- Step Sequencer
- Drum Loops & Chop Mode
- Pad Muting & Track Muting
- Sampling (Recording)
- Sample Editing
- Recording Automation with the XY Pad
- Using MPC as a Controller
- About Programs
- Drum Programs
- Plugin Programs
- Keygroup Programs
- Clip Programs
- MIDI Programs
- CV Programs
- Sequence Section
- Track Section
- Program Section
- Assigning Samples
- Processing Slices & Samples
- Converting or Assigning Slices
- Processing Slices
- Assigning Samples
- Processing Slices
- Reverbs
- Delays
- Flangers
- Chorus
- Autopans
- Tremolos
- Phasers
- HP (High-Pass) Filters
- LP (Low-Pass) Filters
- Parametric EQs
- Distortions
- Compressors
- Bit Reducers
- Other
- Exporting Expansions
- Snap: Absolute & Relative
- List Edit Settings: Auto-Advance
- Pitch Quantization
- Step Sequencer: Velocity Adjustment via Q-Links
- Pad Perform Mode: User Progressions
- Faster Attack for Amp Envelopes
- MIDI Control Mode: MIDI Learn
- Humanize
- Generate Random Events
- Project Template
- Arpeggiator
- Auto Sampler
- Crossfade Looping
- Mode Selection Shortcut
- Pad Perform Mode: Chromatic Type
- Q-Link Navigation Enhancements
- Split Events
- AIR Bassline
- AIR Electric
- AIR TubeSynth
- AIR FX Bundle
- AIR Instrument Layouts
- Clip Program Improvements
- FLAC and OGG Support
- Mother Ducker
- Next Sequence Mode
- Additional Transport Controls
- Splice Integration
- Browser Audition Warp and Sync
- Ableton Live Set Export
- Erase Parameters
- Grid Automation Lanes
- Step Automation
- Submixes
- Workflow Enhancements
- Akai Network Driver
- Configuring Ableton Live
- Live Control Mode
- Control Bar
- Matrix View
- Mixer View
- Device Control View
- Q-Links
- MPC X Control Map
- MPC Live Control Map
- MIDI Improvements
- Copy Pads
- Custom Progressions
- Edit Pad MIDI Note Map
- Global Automation Button
- Global Timing Correct On/Off
- Main Button Track Select
- Expanded Pad Perform
- Retrospective Record
- Single or Multi Record Arm
- Q-Link Overlay
- AIR Hype
- AIR Mellotron
- AIR Solina
- WayOutWare Odyssey
- MPC Studio II Support
- Touch Strip and Touch FX
- MPC Key 61 Support
- Sounds and Favorites
- New Plugin Instruments
- Insert Effect Updates
- Menu Editing and Shortcuts Panel
- Built-In Tuner
- Note Probability and Note Ratchet
- Pad Perform and 16 Levels Enhancements
- Track MIDI Perform Settings
- MIDI Control Mode Updates
- Workflow Improvements and Enhancements
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Question and answer
Number of questions: 5
Ronald jonesMarch 2, 2024
Can you put a code on the akai mpc live II, to make it not charge
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SammyJune 9, 2021
How do you step write on the Akai Live II
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M.February 3, 2023
Some parts of the manual are impossible to read. Is there a good manual somewhere?
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Sammy WattsJune 9, 2021
can you step write on the akai live II
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1 comment
MaciMay 21, 2022
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Robert E PowellNovember 14, 2022
Can you import midi files?
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AKAI MPC Live II specifications
Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the AKAI MPC Live II.
The AKAI MPC Live II is a DJ gear device that measures 243.8 millimeters in width, 411.5 millimeters in depth, and 45.7 millimeters in height. It has a weight of 3380 grams, making it quite portable and lightweight. The device features 24 pads and 9 knobs, allowing for intuitive and versatile control over various aspects of DJing. It is equipped with 2 GB of RAM, enabling smooth and seamless operation. Additionally, it has a generous internal storage capacity of 16 GB, providing ample space for storing samples, music, and other files. The AKAI MPC Live II comes with a manual, ensuring that users have access to clear instructions and guidance on how to maximize its features. The package also includes an AC adapter for convenient power supply. Furthermore, the device offers MIDI in and MIDI out capabilities, allowing for seamless integration with external MIDI devices such as keyboards and synthesizers. It features a headphone out, enabling private monitoring and listening. Additionally, the device includes a USB port for easy connectivity with other devices and for data transfer. In summary, the AKAI MPC Live II is a feature-packed DJ gear device that offers intuitive control with its numerous pads and knobs. With its ample RAM and internal storage capacity, it provides a smooth and seamless DJing experience. It also offers various connectivity options, including MIDI in and out, headphone out, and USB port, making it versatile and adaptable to different setups.