By Brian Costello , based on child development research. How do we rate?
Slasher comedy-horror isn't a kid-friendly reboot.
Parents need to know that The Banana Splits Movie is a 2019 low-budget comedy horror movie in which the beloved children's television characters go on a murderous rampage through a TV studio. Adults who grew up watching The Banana Splits will either be thoroughly appalled or perversely amused by this…
Horror movie gore and violence. Characters sawed, stabbed, and sliced open -- bl
Products & PurchasesBased on characters from a beloved children's show. Instagram mentioned by name.
Regular use of profanity: "A--hole," "p---k," "s--t," "d--k," "bitch," "bastards
Drinking, Drugs & SmokingOne of the characters binge-drinks before going on stage to perform in front of
Sex, Romance & NudityInnuendo. Marital infidelity.
No positive messages in dark low-budget comedy-horror in which beloved kids' sho
Horror movie gore and violence. Characters sawed, stabbed, and sliced open -- blood, entrails. Decapitations. Cut off body parts. Character's face set on fire by a can of aerosol and a match. Characters shown crucified on a wheel of fortune. Character hit and run over by a car. Character impaled in the throat by a giant lollipop. Kids chained up and forced to watch a performance of "The Banana Splits" involving dead bodies.
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Regular use of profanity: "A--hole," "p---k," "s--t," "d--k," "bitch," "bastards," "pissed," "badass," "crap," "hell."
Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Language in your kid's entertainment guide. Get started Close
One of the characters binge-drinks before going on stage to perform in front of kids and is very drunk. Cigar smoking. Wine drinking.
Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Drinking, Drugs & Smoking in your kid's entertainment guide. Get started Close
Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Sex, Romance & Nudity in your kid's entertainment guide. Get started Close
No positive messages in dark low-budget comedy-horror in which beloved kids' show characters are animatronic slashers.
Parents need to know that The Banana Splits Movie is a 2019 low-budget comedy horror movie in which the beloved children's television characters go on a murderous rampage through a TV studio. Adults who grew up watching The Banana Splits will either be thoroughly appalled or perversely amused by this premise, and those expecting a basic kid-friendly reboot should avoid this at all costs. Horror movie blood, gore, and entrails throughout, as characters are killed in a variety of disturbing methods -- ranging from lollipop impalement to crucifixion on the "Wheel of Endings." Character's face set on fire by an aerosol can and a match. Character run over by a car. One of the performers on the show binge-drinks and performs while drunk. Kids are chained prisoners and forced to watch a disturbing version of The Banana Splits that involves dead bodies and killing. Frequent profanity includes "a--hole," "p---k," "s--t," "d--k," "bitch," "bastards," "pissed," "badass," "crap," and "hell." To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails.