How to Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro: 10 Methods

Setting Necessary Objects to <a href=Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro" width="656" height="280" />

Declare the word object, the word file is created. Now we need to make it visible.

Word_Object.Visible = True

Making Word File Visible to <a href=Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro" width="656" height="280" />

⧪ Method 3 – Adding Text to the Word File

We have generated our Word file. You can now add any text to it. Before adding the text, you can change the font name and size according to your wish.

Change the font to Times New Roman, font size to 16, and then add the text “Employee Record of Jupyter Group”.

Selection_Object.Font.Size = 16 Selection_Object.Font.Name = "Times New Roman" Selection_Object.Typetext "Employee Record of Jupyter Group"

⧪ Method 4 – Copying Data from Excel Worksheet to the Word File

Copy data from your Excel worksheet to the word file. The active worksheet contains a data set of the names, salaries, and joining dates of some employees of Jupyter Group.

<a href=Data Set to Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro" width="467" height="449" />

Copy this data set to the generated word file, and use these lines of code.

ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy Selection_Object.Paste

Copying Excel <a href=Data Set to Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro" width="658" height="400" />

Note: The VBA UsedRange object to copy all data from the active worksheet. If you want to copy a specific range, use that range instead.

Copy range B4:D13, use ActiveSheet.Range(“B4:D13”).Copy .

In place of ActiveSheet, you can use the name of a specific worksheet.

For example, Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“B4:D13”).Copy .

⧪ Method 5 – Saving the Word File

Save the word file in your desired folder in the desired name.

Save it in the path F:\ExcelDemy with the name MyWordFile, use:

Doc_Object.SaveAs ("F:\ExcelDemy\MyWordFile")

So the complete VBA code will be:

VBA Code:

Sub Generate_Word_Document_from_Excel_Macro() Set Word_Object = CreateObject("Word.Application") Set Doc_Object = Word_Object.Documents.Add Set Selection_Object = Word_Object.Selection Word_Object.Visible = True Selection_Object.Font.Size = 16 Selection_Object.Font.Name = "Times New Roman" Selection_Object.Typetext "Employee Record of Jupyter Group" ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy Selection_Object.Paste Doc_Object.SaveAs ("F:\ExcelDemy\MyWordFile") End Sub

VBA Code to Generate Word Document from Excel Macro

Developing the Macro to Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro

We’ve seen the step-by-step analysis of the code to generate the Word document from the Macro.

See how to use the code to generate the document.

⧪ Method 6 – Opening the VBA Window

Press ALT + F11 on your keyboard to open the Visual Basic window.

Opening VBA Window to <a href=Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro" width="561" height="277" />

⧪ Method 7 – Enabling the Necessary References

Go to Tools > References in the toolbar above. Click References.

The References dialogue box will open. Check Microsoft Office 16.0 Object Library in case it’s unchecked.

Enabling References to <a href=Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro" width="478" height="402" />

⧪ Method 8 – Inserting a New Module

Go to Insert > Module in the toolbar. Click Module. A new module called Module1 will open.

Inserting Module to <a href=Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro" width="567" height="293" />

⧪ Method 9 – Putting the VBA Code

Insert the given VBA code in the module.

⧪ Method 10 – Running the Code

Click Run Sub / UserForm tool from the toolbar above.

Running VBA Code to <a href=Generate a Word Document from an Excel Macro" width="933" height="289" />

Open a new word document containing the inserted text and the Excel data set.

Save the document in the desired path on your computer in the desired name.

Things to Remember

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Generate Word Document with Macro.xlsm

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